Stock enhancement by hatchery-released turbot, Psetta maxima, in the southeastern Black Sea: capture, migration, growth and diet analyses


  • Orhan Ak Central Fisheries Research Institute
  • Binnur Ceylan General Directorates of Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • İlhan Aydin Central Fisheries Research Institute
  • Hamza Polat Central Fisheries Research Institute
  • Ercan Küçük Central Fisheries Research Institute
  • Oğuzhan Eroğlu Central Fisheries Research Institute
  • Kostas Kapiris Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters



turbot, stock enhancement, tagged, capture, growth, migration, feeding, Black Sea


In this study, the capture, growth, migration and diet of hatchery-released turbots (Psetta maxima) were examined in the southeastern Black Sea region for six years (2009-2014). A total of 9933 turbots were marked with individual serial-numbered T-bar anchor tags and released at Trabzon, Turkey. The mean TL and weight of the released turbots were 12.91 cm (±1.25) and 35.41 g (±12.38) and the same measurements for the captured turbots were 31.17±0.86 cm and 878.08±69.47 g, respectively. A total of 2.7% (270 fishes) of the tagged individuals were captured during the study period and the age of the captured tagged fishes was between 0+ and 5+ years. Growth of the captured turbots was analytically examined. Movements of the tagged turbots were expressed as “resident” and “migratory”. Three prey groups showed the majority of forage organisms; teleost fishes, crustaceans and mollusks in the stomach of the captured turbots. The hatchery-released turbots might be used for stock enhancement due to their high growth rate and commercial value, and their relatively limited migration range.


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How to Cite

Ak O, Ceylan B, Aydin İlhan, Polat H, Küçük E, Eroğlu O, Kapiris K. Stock enhancement by hatchery-released turbot, Psetta maxima, in the southeastern Black Sea: capture, migration, growth and diet analyses. Sci. mar. [Internet]. 2016Jun.30 [cited 2024May5];80(2):163-74. Available from:


