Focus and Scope

Scientia Marina is a scientific, peer-reviewed journal published by CSIC and edited by the Institut de Ciències del Mar that publishes original research articles in the following fields:

- Marine Biology and Ecology
- Fisheries and Fisheries Ecology
- Systematics, Faunistics and Marine Biogeography
- Physical Oceanography
- Chemical Oceanography
- Marine Geology

Emphasis is placed on articles of an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary nature (including those linking marine sciences with social and life sciences) as well as those dealing with the conservation of marine ecosystems and the sustainable and fair use of marine resources.

Special (themed) issues: Open Call to Guest Editor(s)

Scientia Marina supports special (themed) issues on specific topics covered by the scope of the journal. Themed issues are made up of contributions (articles, reviews and perspectives) on a selected topic related to marine sciences, with particular emphasis on emerging and interdisciplinary ones. Papers submitted to themed issues will undergo the regular revision process of Scientia Marina, under the coordination of the Guest Editor(s).

If you are interested to propose a special issue on a particular topic and be Guest Editor(s) of that issue, please contact with a brief explanation of your idea: novelty of the topic proposed for the special issue, context (if it derives from a conference, workshop, etc), estimated number of papers to be published (maximum 10 by issue), name(s) and CV of Guest Editor(s) and potential contribution of your research group/institution to the promotion (social networks, elaboration of infographics, etc) of the themed issue. The editorial team will assess your idea and get back to you.

Scientia Marina has published original research papers for nearly 70 years. Founded in 1955 under the title of Investigación Pesquera adopts its current name in 1989. It began to be available online in 2007, in PDF format, maintaining printed edition until 2014. That year it became an electronic journal publishing in PDF, HTML and XML-JATS. Contents of previous issues are also available in PDF files.

Scientia Marina is proud to be one of the few journals in marine sciences included in the Web Of Science that: (i) is published by a non-profit, public editorial (Editorial CSIC); (ii) does not charge publication fees to authors, and (iii) all manuscripts have a golden open access. With these unique attributes, Scientia Marina not only aims to be a high-impact factor journal, but also have a long-standing social impact.

For more information on the history of Scientia Marina: