Summer mesozooplankton assemblages in relation to environmental parameters in Kavala Gulf, northern Aegean Sea




abiotic factors, quantitative distribution, ecological associations, diversity patterns, coastal zone, zooplankton community composition


Shallow coastal areas are ecosystems with high productivity. Although the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea is oligotrophic, the shallow coastal waters of the northern Aegean, such as Kavala Gulf, are productive due to the influence of the Black Sea water and the presence of freshwater input from three rivers. The aim of this work was to determine the structure of zooplankton communities in Kavala Gulf in the summer of 2002 and 2003 and to investigate their relation to environmental variables. Zooplankton communities were characterized by the presence of common coastal Cladocera, such as Penilia avirostris, small pelagic Copepoda, such as the calanoida Acartia clausi and the cyclopoida Oithona plumifera, and Tunicata, such as Oikopleura, Fritillaria and Doliolidae. The abundances corresponded to the peak of the warm period and were significantly greater in 2002 because of a P. avirostris bloom, which seemed to have better exploited the environmental sources favouring its dominance in the area. Overall, the structure of summer mesozooplankton communities in Kavala Gulf follows the pattern exhibited by mesozooplankton communities in other Greek coastal areas of the northern Aegean Sea.


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How to Cite

Karagianni A, Artemiou A, Tsikliras AC, Michaloudi E. Summer mesozooplankton assemblages in relation to environmental parameters in Kavala Gulf, northern Aegean Sea. Sci. mar. [Internet]. 2019Mar.30 [cited 2024Jul.22];83(1):41-52. Available from:


