Small-scale fisheries in Madeira: recreational vs artisanal fisheries


  • Roi Martínez-Escauriaza Oceanic Observatory of Madeira, Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da InvestigaçãoTecnologia e Inovação, (ARDITI)
  • Francesca Gizzi MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (ARDITI)
  • Lídia Gouveia Direção de Serviços de Monitorização, Estudos e Investigação do Mar (DSEIMar)
  • Nuno Gouveia Direção Regional de Pescas, Direção de Serviços de Inspeção e Controlo, Edifício da Sociedade Metropolitana de Câmara de Lobos
  • Margarida Hermida Oceanic Observatory of Madeira, Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da InvestigaçãoTecnologia e Inovação, (ARDITI) - MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (ARDITI)



recreational boat fishery, artisanal fishery, Madeira, Portugal, species catch composition, SSF


Small-scale recreational and artisanal fisheries are popular activities in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, and to date no information is available on their impact on regional coastal ecosystems. Through fishers’ surveys and official registers of fish landings, we described and characterized these fisheries in Madeira, comparing artisanal and recreational fisheries. In 2017, artisanal boats landed 91 species in fishing ports, while recreational catches landed 58 species. The most frequent catches were Dentex gibbosusPhycis phycis and Pagrus pagrus for artisanal fishery and P. pagrusSerranus atricauda and Diplodus spp. for recreational fishery. Comparing the same techniques, artisanal fishery always showed higher catch per unit effort values than recreational boat fishery. Nevertheless, the low number of artisanal fishery boats in comparison with the recreational ones reflected the lower total landings of the artisanal fishery, which in 2017 were 62.3 t, compared with the 509.8 t estimated catches for the recreational fishery. Though the estimated recreational fishing data were based on surveys and thus subject to various biases, this activity seems to negatively affect coastal ecosystems and, together with artisanal fishing, exerts a combined pressure on targeted species. Improved legislation for both fisheries is essential for an appropriate management of resources.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Escauriaza R, Gizzi F, Gouveia L, Gouveia N, Hermida M. Small-scale fisheries in Madeira: recreational vs artisanal fisheries. Sci. mar. [Internet]. 2021Dec.7 [cited 2024Jul.22];85(4):257-70. Available from:


