Spatio-temporal variability of inorganic and organic nutrients in five Galician rias (NW Spain)


  • María Dolores Doval Instituto Tecnológico para el Control del Medio Marino de Galicia (INTECMAR)
  • Adela López Instituto Tecnológico para el Control del Medio Marino de Galicia (INTECMAR)
  • Milagros Madriñán Instituto Tecnológico para el Control del Medio Marino de Galicia (INTECMAR)



coastal upwelling, nutrient salts, dissolved organic carbon, ria, shellfish harvesting closures


The spatial variability of inorganic (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate and silicate) and organic (dissolved organic carbon) nutrients in five Galician rias (Vigo, Pontevedra, Arousa, Muros and Ares-Betanzos) was assessed by considering average values for the upwelling and downwelling periods. Inner stations were significantly different from middle and outer stations, especially during the downwelling period. Spatial differences between the five rías, tested by means of a multivariate analysis, were found in both periods. The behaviour of inorganic and organic nutrient variables was also significantly different between periods with and without shellfish harvesting closures due to the occurrence of toxic phytoplankton species.


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How to Cite

Doval MD, López A, Madriñán M. Spatio-temporal variability of inorganic and organic nutrients in five Galician rias (NW Spain). Sci. mar. [Internet]. 2013Mar.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];77(S1):15-24. Available from:


