The genus Acanthochitona (Mollusca: Polylacophora) in the Mediterranean Sea: morphological and molecular data


  • Antonio Bonfitto Dept. BES and Museum of Zoology, University of Bologna
  • Bruno Dell’Angelo Dept. BES and Museum of Zoology, University of Bologna
  • Francesca Evangelisti Dept. BES and Museum of Zoology, University of Bologna
  • Bruno Sabelli Dept. BES and Museum of Zoology, University of Bologna



SEM morphology, molecular systematics, Mediterranean Sea, Acanthochitona, Polyplacophora


This work represents an attempt to resolve the confused and contradictory taxonomy of Mediterranean chitons of the genus Acanthochitona by analysing morphological (SEM observations of aesthetes, radula and girdle) and molecular data (COI, 12S, ITS1). Both analyses support the validity of the three species, Acanthochitona fascicularis, A. crinita and A. oblonga, the latter two of which were previously considered as synonymous.


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How to Cite

Bonfitto A, Dell’Angelo B, Evangelisti F, Sabelli B. The genus Acanthochitona (Mollusca: Polylacophora) in the Mediterranean Sea: morphological and molecular data. Sci. mar. [Internet]. 2011Mar.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];75(1):171-80. Available from:


