Selectivity of commercial, larger mesh and square mesh trawl codends for deep water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) in the Aegean Sea


  • Hakan Kaykaç Fisheries Faculty, Ege University
  • Adnan Tokaç Fisheries Faculty, Ege University
  • Hüseyin Özbilgin Mersin University, Fisheries Faculty



Parapenaeus longirostris, mesh size, mesh shape, diamond mesh, square mesh


We investigated the differences between size selectivity of a commercial codend (40 mm diamond mesh – 40D), a larger mesh codend (48 mm diamond mesh – 48D), and a square mesh codend (40 mm square mesh – 40S) for Parapenaeus longirostris in international waters of the Aegean Sea. Selectivity data were collected by using a covered codend method and analysed taking between-haul variation into account. The results indicate significant increases in L50 values in relation to an increase in mesh size and when the square mesh is used in the commercial trawl codend. The results demonstrate that the commercially used codend (40D) is not selective enough for P. longirostris in terms of length at first maturity. Changing from a 40D to a 48D codend significantly improves selection, with an increase of about 15% in the L50 values (carapace length 14.5 mm for 40D and 16.6 mm for 48D). Similarly, 40 mm square mesh, which has recently been legislated for EU Mediterranean waters, showed a 12.4% higher mean L50 value (16.3 mm) than 40 mm diamond mesh for this species. However, despite these improvements, the 48D and 40S codends still need further improvements to obtain higher selectivity closer to the length at first maturity (20 mm carapace length).


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How to Cite

Kaykaç H, Tokaç A, Özbilgin H. Selectivity of commercial, larger mesh and square mesh trawl codends for deep water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) in the Aegean Sea. Sci. mar. [Internet]. 2009Sep.30 [cited 2024Jul.22];73(3):597-604. Available from:




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