Seasonal hydrodynamical features on the continental shelf of Colima (west coast of Mexico)


  • José Salas Centro de Ecología y Pesquerías-Universidad Veracruzana. Boca del Río-Veracruz
  • Damià Gomis IMEDEA (Univ. de les Illes Balears-CSIC). Mallorca
  • Aramis Olivos-Ortiz CEUNIVO-Universidad de Colima. Colima
  • Geraldine Garcia-Uribe CEUNIVO-Universidad de Colima. Colima



west coast of Mexico, Colima shelf, seasonal hydrodynamics


Four high-resolution hydrographic surveys were carried out in 2002 on the continental shelf of Colima, Pacific coast of Mexico. The data collected revealed the presence of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddy-like features covering the whole extension of the shelf, which is a rather different pattern from the along-shore general circulation described in previous works. Despite the apparent complexity of the circulation features, the overall shelf-slope exchange pattern is similar in autumn and winter and the opposite in spring. In summer the exchanges also have a similar distribution to autumn and winter, but they are restricted to the upper layers. This suggests that the observed circulation features could result from the interaction between the large-scale seasonal circulation and some kind of local forcing.


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How to Cite

Salas J, Gomis D, Olivos-Ortiz A, Garcia-Uribe G. Seasonal hydrodynamical features on the continental shelf of Colima (west coast of Mexico). Sci. mar. [Internet]. 2006Dec.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];70(4):719-26. Available from:




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