Exploitation of tidal power in the Bay of Cadiz: ancient tidal mills


  • José J. Alonso del Rosario Applied Physics Dpt., University of Cádiz
  • Juan M. Vidal Pérez Applied Physics Dpt., University of Cádiz
  • Julio Pérez Serrano Contemporary History Dept., University of Cádiz.
  • Juan C. Mendoza Sánchez Contemporary History Dept., University of Cádiz.




ancient tidal mills, long shallow channels, tidal wave propagation


Tidal mills were the main industrial activity in the Bay of Cadiz for centuries. They were the last step in the production of salt and flour made by grinding grains. They were installed along the shallow channels, called “caños”, around the Bay, where the frictional and geometrical effects are very strong. The authors have analyzed the propagation of the semidiurnal tidal waves along the Caño de Sancti Petri and the available tidal power in the area. The ancient tidal mills were located where the available tidal potential energy is highest, which ensured productivity for grinding salt and wheat in ancient times. Some considerations about the possibility of installing tidal power plants in the Bay of Cadiz now are given, which show that it could be a real and renewal alternative source of energy for the area.


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How to Cite

Alonso del Rosario JJ, Vidal Pérez JM, Pérez Serrano J, Mendoza Sánchez JC. Exploitation of tidal power in the Bay of Cadiz: ancient tidal mills. Sci. mar. [Internet]. 2006Mar.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];70(1):21-30. Available from: https://scientiamarina.revistas.csic.es/index.php/scientiamarina/article/view/180


