Annotated checklist of brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Iberian Peninsula (SW Europe)
checklist, Brachyura, Crustacea, Decapoda, crab, Iberian PeninsulaAbstract
Almost 50 years have passed since a group of reputed carcinologists (viz. Lipke B. Holthuis, Isabella Gordon and Jacques Forest) finished the posthumous work of Ricardo Zariquiey Álvarez (1968) on decapod crustaceans of the Iberian Peninsula. No lists of decapod fauna specifically covering this area have been published since then, and an update is needed. The current list of brachyuran crabs of the Iberian Peninsula comprises 140 species, which is 35 species more than the 105 valid species listed in Zariquiey Álvarez (1968). Systematic changes have affected the original classification, so now there are 20 superfamilies, 36 families and 77 genera. Additional species have been recorded in Iberian waters due to natural range expansions from nearby areas (Mediterranean and Atlantic), introductions by anthropogenic activities, and description of new taxa. Also, two species were synonymized. Several of these changes, based on evidence from larval morphology and/ or molecular data, are detailed in this review. Although descriptions of crab species new to science are not expected to occur at a significant rate, an increase in the number of species in the Iberian Peninsula is expected to result from the introduction of alien species.
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