New technologies for marine research: five years of glider activities at IMEDEA


  • Simón Ruiz IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Department of Marine Technologies, Operational Oceanography and Sustainability (TMOOS)
  • Bartolomé Garau SOCIB
  • Miguel Martínez-Ledesma IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Department of Marine Technologies, Operational Oceanography and Sustainability (TMOOS)
  • Benjamín Casas IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Department of Marine Technologies, Operational Oceanography and Sustainability (TMOOS)
  • Ananda Pascual IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Department of Marine Technologies, Operational Oceanography and Sustainability (TMOOS)
  • Guillermo Vizoso IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Department of Marine Technologies, Operational Oceanography and Sustainability (TMOOS)
  • Jérôme Bouffard IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Department of Marine Technologies, Operational Oceanography and Sustainability (TMOOS)
  • Emma Heslop IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Department of Marine Technologies, Operational Oceanography and Sustainability (TMOOS)
  • Alberto Alvarez IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Department of Marine Technologies, Operational Oceanography and Sustainability (TMOOS) - NURC La Spezia
  • Pierre Testor LOCEAN
  • Joaquín Tintoré IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Department of Marine Technologies, Operational Oceanography and Sustainability (TMOOS) - SOCIB



Autonomous underwater vehicles, ocean observing system, upper ocean mesoscale processes, Balearic Sea


This paper summarizes the glider activities carried out in the last 5 years by the IMEDEA Department of Marine Technologies, Operational Oceanography and Sustainability (TMOOS). TMOOS has been operating gliders in the Western Mediterranean Sea since 2006 and has set-up electronic and maintenance laboratories in order to establish a key glider port in the area. Twenty-two glider missions have been performed to date and over 17000 hydrographic and biogeochemical profiles collected. TMOOS is using gliders for operational, technological and scientific objectives. Studies of path planning analysis and adaptive sampling for gliders in combination with other platforms have been undertaken and new methodologies have been developed to process data from gliders. Thus far, IMEDEA gliders have contributed to the better understanding of mesoscale processes in the upper ocean, including the coupling between the physical and biogeochemical process of the marine ecosystem and, in combination with remote sensing observations, high-resolution glider data has enabled advances in new methodologies to improve coastal altimetry. Gliders have also proved to be important platforms for the development of operational oceanography tools and useful vehicles on which to test and implement new sensors for ocean monitoring.


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How to Cite

Ruiz S, Garau B, Martínez-Ledesma M, Casas B, Pascual A, Vizoso G, Bouffard J, Heslop E, Alvarez A, Testor P, Tintoré J. New technologies for marine research: five years of glider activities at IMEDEA. Sci. mar. [Internet]. 2012Sep.30 [cited 2024Jul.27];76(S1):261-70. Available from:




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