From microbes to macrofauna: an integrated study of deep benthic communities and their response to environmental variables along the Malta Escarpment (Ionian Sea)
prokaryote, meiofauna, macrofauna, abundance, biomass, diversity, Malta Escarpment, Mediterranean SeaAbstract
A comparative study for abundance, biomass and diversity was carried out for the prokaryote, meiofauna and macrofauna communities at three depth stations (1200, 1800 and 2100 m) along the Malta Escarpment (Mediterranean Sea). Our investigation showed a two-fold increase with depth in prokaryote abundance; the contribution of prokaryote biomass to the total benthic biomass was predominant at all depths. Bacteria were the dominant prokaryote component and Archaea formed a considerable fraction (20%-30%) of the prokaryote assemblages. The meio- and macrofauna abundances and meiofauna biomass did not decrease significantly with depth but macrofauna biomass did. The α diversity did not follow a clear bathymetric trend for both nematode and macrofauna species. Probably because of the large number of eurybathic nematode genera, nor did the turnover diversity in nematode composition change down the depth gradient. Conversely, for the macrofauna there was a perceptible change in community composition between the shallowest station and the two deeper stations. Food availability affected only the macrobenthic component. The increase in the prokaryote organisms with depth and the dominance of nematodes and macrofauna deposit feeders suggest active grazing by the two benthic components on microbes. This would transfer energy to the higher trophic levels through the microbial compartment.
Agnes M.W.N., Vanreusel A., Vincx M. 2011. Taxon-related diversity patterns from the continental shelf to the slope: a case study on nematodes from the western Indian Ocean. Mar. Ecol. 32: 453-467.
Albertelli G., Covazzi-Harriague A., Danovaro R., Fabiano M., Fraschetti S., Pusceddu A. 1999. Differential responses of bacteria, meiofauna and macrofauna in a shelf area (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean): role of food availability. J. Sea Res. 42: 11-26.
Andrassy I. 1956. Die Ranminhalts-und Gewichtsbestimmung der Fadenwurme (Nematoden). Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 2: 1-15.
Argnani A., Bonazzi C. 2005. Malta Escarpment fault zone offshore eastern Sicily: Pliocene-Quaternary tectonic evolution based on new multichannel seismic data. Tectonics. 24: 12.
Auguet J.C., Barberan A., Casamayor E.O. 2009. Global ecological patterns in uncultured Archaea. ISME J. 4: 182-190.
Bianchi A., Tholosan O., Garcin J., Polychronaky T., Tselepides A., Buscail R., Duineveld G. 2003. Microbial activities at the benthic boundary layer in the Aegean Sea. Progr. Oceanogr. 57: 219-236.
Boetius A., Scheibe S., Tselepides A., Thiel H. 1996. Microbial biomass and activities in the deep-sea sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean: trenches are benthic hotspots. Deep Sea Res. Part I 43: 1439-1460.
Boissonnas J., Connolly N., Mantoura F., d’Ozouville L. (eds) & contributors, 2002. Integrating Marine Science in Europe. ESF Marine Board Position Paper. 5: 150 pp.
Bongers T. 1990. The maturity index: an ecological measure of environmental disturbance based on nematode species composition. Oecologia. 83: 14-19.
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Coll M., Piroddi C., Steenbeek J., Kaschner K., Ben Rais Lasram F., Aguzzi J., Ballesteros E., Bianchi C.N., Corbera J., Dailianis T., Danovaro R., Estrada M., Froglia C., Galil B.S., Gasol J.M., Gertwagen R., Gil J., Guilhaumon F., Kesner-Reyes K., Kitsos M.S., Koukouras A., Lampadariou N., Laxamana E., de la Cuadra C.M.L.F., Lotze H.K., Martin D., Mouillot D., Oro D., Raicevich S., Rius-Barile J., Saiz-Salinas J.I., San Vicente C., Somot S., Templado J., Turon X., Vafidis D., Villanueva R., Voultsiadou E. 2010. The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: estimates, patterns, and threats. PLoS One 5: 1-36.
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Danovaro R., Tselepides A., Otegui A., Della Croce N. 2000. Dynamics of meiofaunal assemblages on the continental shelf and deep-sea sediments of the Cretan Sea (NE Mediterranean): relationships with seasonal changes in food supply. Prog. Oceanogr. 46: 367-400.
Danovaro R., Gambi C., Dell’Anno A., Corinaldesi C., Fraschetti S., Vanreusel A., Vincx M., Gooday A.J. 2008a. Exponential decline of deep-sea ecosystem functioning linked to benthic biodiversity loss. Curr. Biol. 18: 1-8
Danovaro R, Gambi C, Lampadariou N, Tselpides A. 2008b. Deep-sea nematode biodiversity in the Mediterranean basin: testing for longitudinal, bathymetric and energetic gradients. Ecography 31: 231-244
Danovaro R., Canals M., Gambi C., Heussner S., Lampadariou N., Vanreusel A. 2009. Exploring benthic biodiversity patterns and hotspots on European margin slopes. Oceanogr. 22(1): 16-25.
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Danovaro R., Company J.B., Corinaldesi C., D’Onghia G., Galil B., Gambi C., Gooday A.J., Lampadariou N., Luna GM., Morigi C., Olu K., Polymenakou P., Ramirez-Lloidra E., Sabbatini A., Sardà F., Sibuet M., Tselepides A. 2010. Deep-sea biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea: the known, the unknown, and the unknowable. PLoS One 5: 1-25.
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Guilini K., Soltwedel T., van Oevelen D., Vanreusel A. 2011. Deep-sea nematodes actively colonise sediments, irrespective of the presence of a pulse of organic matter: results from an in-situ experiment. PLoS One 6: 1-12.
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Herndl G.J., Reinthaler T., Teira E., van Aken H., Veth C., Pernthaler A., Pernthaler J. 2005. Contribution of Archaea to total prokaryotic production in the deep Atlantic Ocean. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71: 2303-2309.
Hurlbert S.H. 1971. The non-concept of species diversity: a critique and alternative parameters. Ecology 52: 577-586.
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Ishii K., Mussmann M., MacGregor B.J., Amann R. 2004. An improved fluorescence in-situ hybridization protocol for the identification of bacteria and archaea in marine sediment. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 50: 203-212.
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Johnson N.A., Campbell J.W., Moore T.S., Rex M.A., Etter R.J., McClain C.R., Dowell M.D. 2007. The relationship between the standing stock of deep-sea macrobenthos and surface production in the western North Atlantic. Deep Sea Res. Part I. 54: 1350-1360.
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Kröncke I., Turkay M., Fiege D. 2003. Macrofauna communities in the eastern Mediterranean deep sea. Mar. Ecol. 24: 193-216.
Kröncke I., Turkay M. 2003. Structural and functional aspects of the benthic communities in the deep Angola Basin. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 260: 43-53.
Lampadariou N., Tselepides A. 2006. Spatial variability of meiofaunal communities at areas of contrasting depth and productivity in the Aegean Sea (NE Mediterranean). Progr. Oceanogr. 69: 19-36.
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