Climatology and reconstruction of runoff time series in northwest Iberia: influence in the shelf buoyancy budget off Ría de Vigo


  • Pablo Otero Instituto Español de Oceanografía
  • Manuel Ruiz-Villarreal Instituto Español de Oceanografía
  • Álvaro Peliz Instituto de Oceanografía, Fac. Ciências Universidade de Lisboa
  • José Manuel Cabanas Instituto Español de Oceanografía



runoff, river plumes, buoyant flux, climatology, Ría de Vigo, Iberia


River runoff off northwest Iberia generates a low-density buoyant structure with a strong influence on shelf and coastal circulation. This study estimates the runoff to the shelf of the ten largest rivers in the region based on the furthest downstream gauge records available, and also takes into account the basin area downstream from the station (22% of the basin area for the entire study region). Monthly statistics were computed to obtain mean values for each river to cover the recurrent lack of runoff data in the region. In order to reconstruct gaps in the time series on a daily scale, a method based on the observed discharge of a nearby river basin was used. In addition, the influence of runoff on the shelf was analyzed using monthly CTD data sampled during a 12-year period in the Ría de Vigo and the adjacent shelf. The CTD series shows the existence of a buoyant structure with maximum growth during winter and with large variability of its thermal anomaly. The salinity anomaly correlated significantly with mean winter monthly values of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. This atmospheric index integrates both the influence of precipitation —and therefore runoff— and the predominant winds during winter that contribute to the accumulation of fresh water over the shelf.


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How to Cite

Otero P, Ruiz-Villarreal M, Peliz Álvaro, Cabanas JM. Climatology and reconstruction of runoff time series in northwest Iberia: influence in the shelf buoyancy budget off Ría de Vigo. Sci. mar. [Internet]. 2010Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];74(2):247-66. Available from:




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